Wednesday, August 6, 2014

DIY Dry Shampoo

So far all of my attempts to go no 'poo have been unsuccessful. I can't seem to make it past the first couple of days. My hair becomes an oily mess and it looks like I haven't showered in weeks. I recently came across a dry shampoo recipe on Pinterest and wanted to give it a try. I have never used dry shampoo but I thought if it works well, it could help with my no-pooing. This is the recipe I used for my dark brown hair.
2  Tbsp cornstarch
2  Tbsp cocoa powder
1  tsp cinnamon
I mixed the ingredients in a small bowl and emptied the final product into a clean e.l.f. powder container. You can store it in a mason jar, salt shaker, empty spice bottle... I just like the convenience of using a loose powder makeup container and a makeup brush to apply it. So far it has been working very well, I can go about 5 days with out washing my hair and my daughter says my hair smells delicious!

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